I have a database using SQL 2005 merge replication and ther has been data inserted into the subscriber that never went over to the publisher. I believe there was a conlict that happened over the 14 day retention period ago and I do not see it any more. Can I manually add them into the publisher? Any ideas or directing me to a good link is appreciated. Thank you.
Before I answer this please note that the following directions can be very dangerous and must be done with the utmost care. This solution works for me because the tables in question are only written to one(1) subscriber and no where else. Basically what I did was to:
You can find the name of the repl_identity_range constraint by running sp_help. I reccomend that you use a tool such as Red Gates data compare to validate once you are complete just to make sure. Depending on you situation you may have to manually insert the data at all the subscribers as well. FYI-I had to do this on a production database without interruption the end users. Please use caution.