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How to edit and continue in Visual Studio 2008 and ASP.Net MVC?

I'm trying to get edit-and-continue working with Visual Studio 2008 with an ASP.Net MVC project. I'm running 64-bit, so that adds to the problem.

In Configuration Manager, my active solution platform is x86 and all the projects are targeting Debug x86 as well.

In the project properties I have "Enable Edit and Continue" selected.

In Tools->Options...->Debugging->Edit and continue I have "Enable Edit and Continue" selected.

In Tools->Options...->Debugging->General I have "Break all processes when one project breaks" enabled.

As soon as I try to change some source code outside of a view/template'I get the message: Edit and continue: Changes are not allowed while code is running or if the option 'Break all processes when one project breaks' is dissabled. The option can be enabled in Tools, Options, Debugging.

Any ideas how to get it to work?


  • Do you have Enable Optimizations checked? (Advanced Compile Options), I don't think you can have that checked...
