I use T4MVC and I'm happy with it and want to keep it - it keeps down run time defects. Unfortunately, it makes it harder to navigate to views and content (a.k.a. Views and Links in T4MVC) though. Even using Resharper, I can't navigate to the referenced item:
T4MVC and Resharper Navigation
Can I get a hand building a macro to do this? Never having built a VS IDE macro before, I don't have a grasp on how to get at some things, like the internal results of the "Go To Definition" process, if that's even possible.
If you aren't familiar with T4MVC, here's generally what the macro might do to help:
Given the token: Links.Content.Scripts.jQuery_js
in the file MyView.cshtml, '(F12) Go To Definition'. This behaves properly.
Having arrived at the the related assignment:
public readonly string jQuery_js = "~/Content/Scripts/jQuery.js";
in a file generated by T4MVC (which is very nice, thank you David, but we really don't ever need to see), capture the string assigned and close the file.
Navigate in Solution Explorer to the PhysicalPath represented by the captured string.
This process would also work for views/layouts/master-pages/partials, etc.
If you provide a macro or link to a macro to do this, or have another solution, wonderful. Otherwise, hints on how to do step 3 simply in a VS macro would be especially appreciated and receive upvote from me. I'd post the macro back here as an answer when done.
Here's a Visual Studio macro to help.
What it does
Now you probably use T4MVC references in places like this:
F12 (Go to Definition) already works for the last bullet (actions), but this hack is intended to cover the other scenarios (resources).
Imports EnvDTE
Imports System.IO
Public Module NavT4Link
Sub NavigateToLink()
Dim navpath As String = Path.GetFileName(DTE.ActiveDocument.FullName)
Dim isContentLink As Boolean = navpath.Equals("T4MVC.cs")
If (isContentLink Or navpath.EndsWith("Controller.generated.cs")) Then
Dim t4doc As TextDocument = DTE.ActiveDocument.Object()
navpath = CurrentLinePathConstant(t4doc)
If isContentLink Then
navpath = Path.Combine(CurrentLinePathConstant(t4doc), navpath)
End If
If navpath.StartsWith("~") Then
Dim proj As Object = DTE.Solution.FindProjectItem(DTE.ActiveDocument.FullName).ContainingProject
navpath = Path.GetDirectoryName(proj.Fullname()) + navpath.TrimStart("~")
End If
End If
End Sub
Function CurrentLinePathConstant(ByVal t4doc As TextDocument) As String
Dim sa() As String = t4doc.Selection.Text().Split("""")
If sa.Length > 1 Then Return sa(sa.Length - 2) Else Return ""
End Function
End Module
On un-patched VS, this installation process doesn't result in a 'bindable' macro. A workaround was to (CTRL-SHIFT-R-R) to record an empty macro, and paste the code into it without renaming it. If someone knows of a more documentable approach to install a macro in VS, please comment.
It's meant to replace the current F12 functionality, so if it isn't a T4MVC link, it will do the usual, otherwise it continues on to open the resource. It handles the majority of cases, but not T4MVC-generated empty controller methods. Those you get dumped off at the same place you did before.
For Content/Asset/Link resources, navigating to it in Solution Explorer would probably be in order, for image files for example, but I didn't see that functionality in the Visual Studio docs.