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How read ".doc" file or how to Convert it to ".docx" using ASP.NET

Here are two problems that I am facing, among these two problems one should be solved, to make my project work.

So Here are those:

  1. How to read ".doc" file, without using Word automation or any paid SDK like Aspose.Words.

    (If first one is not possible then)

  2. How to convert ".doc" file to ".docx"? without using Word automation or any paid SDK like Aspose.Words.

Searched a lot, I found open source solution for .docx only.

This is to be done on Server so no Word installed there.


  • Take a look at NPOI - it's written in .NET and is free and open source. The roadmap intends to support creation of the new formats in future, but for now you could use it to read the old format and use other solutions to write the new one, which is an open standard (see the MS spec here).