Search code examples

How to group data correctly

My ultimate aim is to have a table that looks like this:

Maturity Band     AAA     AA     A    A-    BBB+     BBB-    BB+    BB   Total
Less Than 1 yr    2.63%   5%                2%                           9.63%
1 to 5 yrs                       5%         5%                           10%
5 to 10 yrs       5.00%                              5%                  10%
10 to 20 yrs                          2%                                 2%
More than 20 yrs  10%                                         6%    1%   17%
Total             17.63%   5%    5%   2%    7%       5%       6%    1%   48.63%

The table in my procedure (@Worktable) i've created looks like this:

PortfolioID    IssueName    SandPRating    SandPRatingSort    MaturityBand    MaturitySort
XXXXX          Bond1        AAA            1                  Less than 1 yr  1
XXXXX          Bond2        AAA            1                  Less than 1 yr  1
XXXXX          Bond3        AA-            7                  5 to 10 yrs     3
XXXXX          Bond4        BBB+           8                  1 to 5 yrs      2

The SandPRatingSort orders the ratings with 1 being the highest and it is the same for Maturity sort.

My issue is that i'm stuggling to code the table into the format above in my procedure (sorry if this seems easy but i'm relatively new to this). I can group it by MaturityBand but how do i get it into the correct order and also how do i achieve the percentages with the ratings as the headers? The percentages by the way are the number of bonds that have the rating as a percentage of all of the bonds the portfolio holds.

The best i've got so far is this pivot:

SELECT MaturityBand, [AAA],[AA+],[AA],[AA-],[A+],[A],[A-],[BBB+],[BBB],[BBB-],[BB+],[BB],[BB-],[B+],[B],[B-],[CCC+],[CCC],[CCC-],[CC],[C],[DDD],[DD],[D],[N.R.],[N.A.],[WR]
FROM @Worktable
GROUP BY MaturityBand, SandPRating, MaturitySort, SandPSort
) AS source
FOR SandPRating IN ([AAA],[AA+],[AA],[AA-],[A+],[A],[A-],[BBB+],[BBB],[BBB-],[BB+],[BB],[BB-],[B+],[B],[B-],[CCC+],[CCC],[CCC-],[CC],[C],[DDD],[DD],[D],[N.R.],[N.A.],[WR])
) AS pvt

The pivot is not doing exactly what i'm wanting to do. How do i get the percentages? And how can i get grand totals for both the columns and the rows? Also the count in the pivot is only returning 1's, how can i get this to sum the number of ratings for each column without having to do a whole load of re work to the worktable?

A point in the right direction or some guidance would be greatly appreaciated.



  • With a bit of trial and error and some help from other posts i've managed to answer my own question. CTE is very useful and i'm glad i've had this experience to be able to learn the ins and outs of it.

    SELECT  PortfolioID
            , MaturityBand
            , SandPRating
            , MaturitySort
            , SUM((1/RecNo)*100) AS Pct
    FROM    @Worktable AS A
    --WHERE SandPRating IS NOT NULL
    Group by MaturitySort, MaturityBand, SandPRating, PortfolioID
    UNION All
    SELECT   PortfolioID
            , MaturityBand
            , 'SandPRating_Total' AS SandPRating
            , MaturitySort
            , COUNT(*) * 100.0
                SELECT COUNT(*)
                FROM     @Worktable AS B
                WHERE B.PortfolioID = A.PortfolioID
            ) AS Total_Pct
    FROM    @Worktable AS A
    --WHERE SandPRating IS NOT NULL 
    GROUP BY  MaturitySort, MaturityBand, PortfolioID
    , CTE2
    SELECT  Grouping_ID(SandPRating, MaturityBand, MaturitySort) AS ID
         , CASE 
            WHEN Grouping_ID(SandPRating, MaturityBand, MaturitySort) = 3 THEN 'Total' 
            ELSE MaturityBand 
           END                                              AS MaturityBand
         , SandPRating
         , CASE 
            WHEN Grouping_ID(SandPRating, MaturityBand, MaturitySort) = 3 THEN 1000 
            ELSE MaturitySort 
           END                                              AS MaturitySort
         , SUM(Pct) AS PCT
    FROM    CTE
    GROUP BY ROLLUP (SandPRating
         , MaturityBand
         , MaturitySort)
    SELECT  MaturityBand, [AAA],[AA+],[AA],[AA-],[A+],[A],[A-]
    FROM    (   SELECT SandPRating, MaturityBand, MaturitySort, PCT 
            FROM Cte2
            WHERE   ID = 0 or ID = 3
        ) AS x
            FOR SandPRating
            IN  ([AAA],[AA+],[AA],[AA-],[A+],[A],[A-]
        ) myPiv
    ORDER BY MaturitySort