I am using the hub- feature of SignalR (https://github.com/SignalR/SignalR) to publish messages to all subscribed clients:
public class NewsFeedHub : Hub
public void Send(string channel, string content)
This works fine when calling "Send" via Javascript, but I would also like the web application to publish messages (from within an ASP.NET MVC action method). I already tried instantiating a new object ob NewsFeedHub and calling the Send method, but this results in an error (as the underlying "Connection" of the Hub is not set). Is there a way to use the Hub without a connection?
Please note that the SignalR API has changed multiple times since this question was asked. There is a chance that some answers will become out of date.
There is another updated answer for this, as seen in the SignalR Wiki
public ActionResult MyControllerMethod()
var context = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<MyHub>();
context.Clients.All.methodInJavascript("hello world");
// or
context.Clients.Group("groupname").methodInJavascript("hello world");
Public Function MyControllerMethod() As ActionResult
Dim context = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext(Of MyHub)()
context.Clients.All.methodInJavascript("hello world")
'' or
context.Clients.Group("groupname").methodInJavascript("hello world")
End Function
This code has been updated. Follow http://www.asp.net/signalr/overview/signalr-20/hubs-api/hubs-api-guide-server for changes.
If you are using DI container
If you are using a DI container to wire up your hubs, get IConnectionManager
from your container, and call GetHubContext
on that connectionManager.