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appcmd set ssl certificate for site

I am trying to give an app https bindings using one of the available certificates in IIS7 but am struggling with the syntax.

I think the command should look something like the following but it does not work:

appcmd.exe set site "" /+bindings.[protocol='https',bindingInformation='*:443:www.mysite.local:mycertificatename']


  • The best way I have found is to use selfssl.exe

    C:\Program Files (x86)\IIS Resources\SelfSSL>selfssl.exe /T / /S:theSiteId /Q

    I haven't found a way to do it with appcmd. The problem with this solution is it means that you have to have IIS resource kit installed on the server. Personally I think you would better off installing powershell or ruby on the server.

    Depends on your ops guys I guess.