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Detect the Visual Studio version inside a VSPackage

How can I check/detect which Visual Studio version is running under my VSPackage?

I cannot get from the registry because the computer could have several versions installed, so I guess there is an API that is able to get it.

Anybody knows how to get it from a managed Visual Studio package using C#?


  • Finally I wrote a class to detect the Visual Studio version. Tested and working:

    public static class VSVersion
        static readonly object mLock = new object();
        static Version mVsVersion;
        static Version mOsVersion;
        public static Version FullVersion
                lock (mLock)
                    if (mVsVersion == null)
                        string path = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "msenv.dll");
                        if (File.Exists(path))
                            FileVersionInfo fvi = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(path);
                            string verName = fvi.ProductVersion;
                            for (int i = 0; i < verName.Length; i++)
                                if (!char.IsDigit(verName, i) && verName[i] != '.')
                                    verName = verName.Substring(0, i);
                            mVsVersion = new Version(verName);
                            mVsVersion = new Version(0, 0); // Not running inside Visual Studio!
                return mVsVersion;
        public static Version OSVersion
            get { return mOsVersion ?? (mOsVersion = Environment.OSVersion.Version); }
        public static bool VS2012OrLater
            get { return FullVersion >= new Version(11, 0); }
        public static bool VS2010OrLater
            get { return FullVersion >= new Version(10, 0); }
        public static bool VS2008OrOlder
            get { return FullVersion < new Version(9, 0); }
        public static bool VS2005
            get { return FullVersion.Major == 8; }
        public static bool VS2008
            get { return FullVersion.Major == 9; }
        public static bool VS2010
            get { return FullVersion.Major == 10; }
        public static bool VS2012
            get { return FullVersion.Major == 11; }