I need to programmatically install (In Ubuntu) few hundreds of fonts for my application (Developed in Ruby on rails) and track the font names installed while installing.
So i need a tool or some library in UBUNTU which takes TTF file as input and provide the Font-Name as output.
Even if there is some way in ruby (GEM OR anything which can help) to find the font-name with given TTF file, will be great help.
Thanks in Advance.
Basically i used fop-ttfreader to get the details from a TTF file..
fop-ttfreader fontfile.ttf xmlfile.xml
So now this xml file can be parsed and get the font details.
This looks like its increased to 2 steps, instead as suggested by djangodude, it can be done in a simple code by parsing ourself. In my case it will be a one time process like a rake.. So this helped me to finish my job.. :P
Hope this may help someone.