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PHP function use variable from outside

function parts($part) { 
    $structure = 'http://' . $site_url . 'content/'; 
    echo($tructure . $part . '.php'); 

This function uses a variable $site_url that was defined at the top of this page, but this variable is not being passed into the function.

How do we get it to return in the function?


  • Add second parameter

    You need to pass additional parameter to your function:

    function parts($site_url, $part) { 
        $structure = 'http://' . $site_url . 'content/'; 
        echo $structure . $part . '.php'; 

    In case of closures

    If you'd rather use closures then you can import variable to the current scope (the use keyword):

    $parts = function($part) use ($site_url) { 
        $structure = 'http://' . $site_url . 'content/'; 
        echo $structure . $part . '.php'; 

    global - a bad practice

    This post is frequently read, so something needs to be clarified about global. Using it is considered a bad practice (refer to this and this).

    For the completeness sake here is the solution using global:

    function parts($part) { 
        global $site_url;
        $structure = 'http://' . $site_url . 'content/'; 
        echo($structure . $part . '.php'); 

    It works because you have to tell interpreter that you want to use a global variable, now it thinks it's a local variable (within your function).

    Suggested reading: