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Display page content using getResources - ModX

I'm trying to create FAQ page in ModX using getResources.
In CMS user need to create new page and move it to the right place, so FAQ page will be parent for it. I dont know how to display page content.

getResources documentation

Here is FAQ page content:

[[!getResources? &parents=`25` &showHidden=`1` &limit=`100` &tpl=`FAQs` &sortby=`menuindex` &sortdir=`ASC`]]

Here is FAQs chunk code:

<div class="faq">

By this code i can see only page's titles in h5 tags as a list, without content under each question. How to display content?


  • All you are missing is the &includeContent=1 parameter... it is in your example page, but the actual docs are here: Also if you are still having trouble, omit the &tpl parameter and getResources will basically dump its results straight to the page, pretty useful to see what you are actually getting back.