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Matlab linprog error - The number of rows in A must be the same as the number of elements of b

Hi I have the following code for a linprog optimisation.

for j = 1:2

 for i = 1:24
   for K = 1:3
      for M = 1:3

   PV_output(:,:,:) = real(PV_power_output(:,:,:));
         WT_output(:,:,:) =  WT_power_output(:,:,:);

         PVenergy = sum(sum(PV_output(:,:,1)));
         WTenergy = sum(sum(WT_power_output(:,:,1)));

          f= [((CRF*CC_PV)/PVenergy)+OM_PV; ((CRF*CC_WT)/WTenergy)+OM_WT];

         A(:,:,:) = [-PV_output(:,:,K) -WT_output(:,:,M)];

            b(:,:) = -Demand(j,i);

           lb = zeros(2,1);

           ub = [max_PV_area/PV_area max_WT_area/WT_area]';


            x(:,j,i,K,M) = linprog(f,A,b,[],[],lb,ub)

Where WT_output and PV_output are 3 dimensional 365x24 arrays and Demand is 365x24

I am trying to optimise x1 and x2 for each of the 365x24 elements of Demand and for each dimension so as to find the optimum K and M combination

However as the code currently stands I keep getting the error - "The number of rows in A must be the same as the number of elements of b."

Does anyone have any suggestions?


  • What does your workspace say about the sizes of A and B? ChrisJamesC right.. It happened with me too.. I forgot to transpose the matrix while performing operations. Try to check the workspace at each step by placing breakpoints. That might help