There's a nice F# workflow builder for Rx here:
I've been trying to make a Using implementation for the workflow but keep banging my head against the wall. Maybe it's too late here.
How would one create this?
type RxBuilder () =
// ...
member this.Using (disposable, f) =
Thanks in advance.
Firstly, the original code needs to be updated slightly for the latest Rx releases. Namely, For
and While
should be implemented as:
member this.For (xs : 'a seq, f: 'a -> 'b IObservable) =
Observable.SelectMany(xs.ToObservable(), new Func<_, IObservable<_>>(f))
member this.While (f, xs: 'a IObservable) =
Observable.TakeWhile (xs, new Func<_,bool>(fun _ -> f()))
Then, based on this, you can use the following for an implementation of Using
member this.Using(res:#IDisposable, body) = this.TryFinally(body res, fun () -> match res with null -> () | disp -> disp.Dispose())