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BlazeDS + Flash Builder: on setting web-application parameters

I have a working Flex/BlazeDS application (for simple AMF remoting) with the following settings:


<channel-definition id="my-secure-amf" class="mx.messaging.channels.SecureAMFChannel">
    <endpoint url="" 

and in Flash Builder 4.6 > Properties > Flex Server:

Root URL:
Context Root: /myapp/

The problem was I had all of my java files sitting in ONE directory at:


and simply used the system default package (e.g. no package specified in the java files). Eventually, the sheer number of files became overwhelming. To improve my organization, I started using packages and in the process I created the following directories:


Now there's no java files sitting in the WEB-INF/classes/ directory (they've been moved to it's various subdirectories).

My question is how to modify the services-config.xml file and/or Flash Builder > Properties > Flex Server settings? I've tried many different settings and I'm always getting the following error:

Channel.Connect.Failed error NetConnection.Call.Failed: HTTP: Status 404: url:...

My thinking is that most people organize their projects using a WEB-INF/classes/com/mydomain/ architecture, so I'm hoping someone can share with me what their settings look like.

Adobe's website gives the following information but I don't see what I'm doing wrong: The root folder specifies the top-level directory of the web application (the directory that contains the WEB-INF directory). The root URL specifies the URL of the web application, and the context root specifies the root of the web application.

Thanks in advance for any comments/hints what to try.


Here's my destination (from remoting-config.xml):

<destination id="mySecureDestination">
        <channel ref="my-secure-amf"/>


  • In the source tag of your destination definition, you must write the full classpath of the class you are targetting. So assuming that you moved myApplicationClass to WEB-INF/classes/com/mydomain/, this should read:

    <destination id="mySecureDestination">
            <channel ref="my-secure-amf"/>