I'm not even sure that Postgres' HStore data type can contain nested hashes, and if they can, how to insert them?
Here's what I've tried so far:
-- Database: test1
WITH OWNER = iainuser
TABLESPACE = pg_default
LC_CTYPE = 'en_GB.UTF-8'
/* create extension hstore; */
/*drop table my_store;*/
create table my_store (
id serial primary key not null,
doc hstore
CREATE INDEX my_store_doc_idx_gist
ON my_store
USING gist
/* select doc from my_store; */
insert into my_store (doc) values ( '"a" => "1"' );
select doc -> 'a' as first_key from my_store; -- returns "1"
/* insert into my_store (doc) values ( '"b" => "c" => "3"' ); -- doesn't work */
/* insert into my_store (doc) values ( '"b" => ("c" => "3")' ); -- doesn't work */
/* insert into my_store (doc) values ( '"b" => hstore("c" => "3")' ); -- doesn't work */
/* insert into my_store (doc) values ( '"b"' => hstore("c" => "3")' ); -- doesn't work */
/* insert into my_store (doc) values ( "b"=>'"c"=>"3"'::hstore ); -- doesn't work */
If it's not possible, is there a current accepted standard/idiom for working with nested hashes - perhaps pull them apart and refer to them using id's?
Any help with this would be much appreciated.
From the fine manual:
Keys and values are simply text strings.
So, no, you can't use an hstore as a value in an hstore. If you look at the hstore operators and functions you'll see that they all work with text
I don't know of any standard approach to faking nested hashes. I suspect you'd have to structure the keys (a.b => c
for a => b => c
), then you could so things like this:
select slice(doc, array['a.b', 'a.c'])
from my_store
where doc ?& array['a.b', 'a.c']
to grab the "a" slice of each doc
that has the {b => ..., c => ...}
There's also a JSON type coming up that might be better suited to your needs. But, you'll have to wait for it and I'm not sure what the final implementation will look like.