I've a larger piece of multi-line text that I need to put in an PHP associative array through a here-doc. It looks like this:
$data = [
"x" => "y",
"foo" => "bar",
/* ... other values ... */
"idx" => <<< EOC
data data data data
data data data data
data data data data
"z" => 9,
/* ... more values ... */
I can't figure out how to provide $data["idx"]
the multi-line text with a heredoc.
You can't end it with a semicolon at the end of the heredoc identifier. In PHP 7.2 and earlier the comma needs to be on a new line. It has to look like this:
$data = [
"x" => "y",
"foo" => "bar",
/* ... other values ... */
"idx" => <<<EOC
data data data data
data data data data
data data data data
, "z" => 9,
/* ... more values ... */