In a Portlet project (which uses spring 3.1) Consider the following form:
<portlet:actionURL var="actionUrl" />
<portlet:renderURL var="renderUrl" />
<form action="${actionUrl}" method="POST">
<!-- A number of checkboxes -->
With selected do:
<button type="submit" name="stuff" value="action">Action</button>
<button type="submit" name="stuff" value="render" onclick="jQuery(this).closest('form').prop('action', ${fn:escapeXml(json:json_encode(renderUrl))})">Render</button>
As you can see there is a form with two submit buttons. Depending on the button pressed I either want to go to an action phase or skip the action phase and directly go to the render phase.
The code above works and has the effect that I desire, but it is not pretty. It's more like a hack, exchanging the action attribute of the form using javascript.
Is there a JSR-286 compliant way to do this server side? One idea I head was to just do the stuff I'd normally do in the render phase (put a ModelAndView object together) in the action phase, store the ModelAndView in a session, pop it from the session in the render method and return it. But that still feels like an unprettry hack. Any pretty solutions for that?
From the lack of answers there does not seem to be a way to solve it with portal ways, but I stumbled over How do you overcome the html form nesting limitation? and thanks shovavnik, it looks like at least at some point html 5 will be the rescue.