I am creating a multiplayer chess game in Visual Basic.Net and I need to create tiles for the game. Earlier, I used buttons for the tiles, but then I realized that not only did they look ugly, but the coding part also became a problem. Also, the images of the chess pieces didn't properly fit on the buttons and they became distorted. Also, shifting the image to a different button every time a move was played also became very inefficient. So, in view of these difficulties, I want to build a proper board, but I have no idea where to start from or what controls to use for the design. Any suggestions?
A Chess Program using VB.NET : http://www.vbdotnetheaven.com/UploadFile/kaushalgol/ChessProgramInVB11142005235115PM/ChessProgramInVB.aspx
This was coded in VB6 : http://freesourcecodevisualbasic.blogspot.se/2011/07/source-code-2-player-chess.html