As the title - please can anyone explain how the next scripts works
this prints the text: "Perl guys are smart"
this prints only "b"
use strict;
use warnings;
the perl -MO=Deparse shows only this:
use warnings;
use strict 'refs';
'' =~ m[(?{print "b",$/})];
but havent any idea why... ;(
What is the recommended way decomposing like scripts? How to start?
so, tried this:
'' =~
'])@@^{' ^ '-[).*['
'-[)@{:__({:)[{(-:)^}' ^ '}>[,[]*&[[[[>[[@[[*_'
several parts are concatenated by .
. And the result of the bitwise ^
probably gives the text parts. The:
perl -e "print '-[)@{:__({:)[{(-:)^}' ^ '}>[,[]*&[[[[>[[@[[*_'"
prints "Perl guys are smart" and the first ^
generating "print".
But when, i rewrite it to:
'' =~
'Perl guys are smart'
My perl told me:
panic: top_env
Strange, first time i saw like error message...
Thats mean: it isn't allowed replace the 'str1' ^ 'str2'
with the result
, (don't understand why) and why the perl prints the panic message?
my perl:
This is perl 5, version 12, subversion 4 (v5.12.4) built for darwin-multi-2level
Ps: examples are generated here
In the line
.('_/).+{' ^ '/]@@_[
when you evaluate ']' ^ '-'
, the result will be the letter p
. ^
is a bitwise string operation, so after that we follow letter by letter to get result string.
Check my script, it works like your example. I hope it will help you.
use v5.14;
# actually we obfuscated print and your word + "
# it looks like that (print).'"'.(yor_word")
my $print = 'print';
my $string = 'special for stackoverflow by fxzuz"';
my $left = get_obfuscated($print);
my $right = get_obfuscated($string);
# prepare result regexp
my $result = "'' =~ ('(?{'.($left).'\"'.($right).',\$/})');";
say 'result obfuscated ' . $result;
eval $result;
sub get_obfuscated {
my $string = shift;
my @letters = split //, $string;
# all symbols like :,&? etc (exclude ' and \)
# we use them for obfuscation
my @array = (32..38, 40..47, 58..64, 91, 93..95, 123..126);
my $left_str = '';
my $right_str = '';
# obfuscated letter by letter
for my $letter (@letters) {
my @result;
# get right xor letters
for my $symbol (@array) {
# prepare xor results
my $result = ord $letter ^ $symbol;
push @result, { left => $result, right => $symbol } if $result ~~ @array;
my $rand_elem = $result[rand $#result];
$left_str .= chr $rand_elem->{left};
$right_str .= chr $rand_elem->{right};
my $obfuscated = "'$left_str' ^ '$right_str'";
say "$string => $obfuscated";
return $obfuscated;