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How to close the sessions using Zend framework

For eg:

Here is my site once I logged inside and uses User page and when I log outside then the session is to be closed.

But if User did not logged in when anyone uses the details should not come because I want the sessions to be closed and it should affect different browsers also.

How can it be done?


  • Zend session management has the option to expire namespaces by 'hop' or time-based, you can also write lock the session via Zend_Session::writeclose or destroy it using Zend_Session::destroy() (ref:


    destroy(bool $remove_cookie = true, bool $readonly = true) Zend_Session::destroy() destroys all of the persistent data associated with the current session. However, no variables in PHP are affected, so your namespaced sessions (instances of Zend_Session_Namespace) remain readable. To complete a "logout", set the optional parameter to TRUE (the default) to also delete the user agent's session id cookie. The optional $readonly parameter removes the ability to create new Zend_Session_Namespace instances and for Zend_Session methods to write to the session data store.


    writeClose($readonly = true) Shutdown the session, close writing and detach $_SESSION from the back-end storage mechanism. This will complete the internal data transformation on this request. The optional $readonly boolean parameter can remove write access by throwing an exception upon any attempt to write to the session via Zend_Session or Zend_Session_Namespace.