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How to use HTML TestSuite as well as Test Cases on Selenium RC using IE

I am using Selenium RC in Internet Explorer. I have written some test cases in HTML. How can I write Test Suite in HTML including my test cases in HTML? I want to run the HTML Test Suite using Selenium RC in IE and Windows XP / Windows 7. How can I do this?


  • In Selenium IDE version 1.8, Right click in "Test Case" section and Add all HTML test cases by selecting "Add Test Case" option. Then Just Save this Test suite in HTML format by selecting "File > Save Test Suite" option. After this Just create one .bat file with following content to execute this HTML Test Suite.

    java -jar selenium-server.jar -port 4444 -htmlSuite "*chrome" "" "C:\Selenium\TestSuite.html" "C:\Selenium\TestSuiteResult.html" pause

    Selenium IDE > Add Test Case