I have integrated twitter with my iOS 5 app, the tweet sheet as it is called in short, works fine, but it brings up the twitter interface whenever I hit the tweet button, I managed to get rid of that by not including the self presentmodalviewcontroller in the code, but I can't find a way to automate the tweet, because unless I hit the send button on the tweetsheet the tweet is not tweeted.
Is there a way around this? In essence I want my tweet to be tweeted the moment I hit the tweet button, I do not want to hit the send button again on the tweet sheet? Possible?
EDIT: As per the link posted in the answer below I went through some of the twitter API examples and found this code here https://dev.twitter.com/docs/ios/posting-images-using-twrequest.It works fine but crashes when the app reaches part marked by a comment by me saying the app crashes.,with an error 'NSInvalidARgumentException''data parameter' is nil and a bunch of numbers.
Also I can't set the account using this line [request setAccount:[self.accounts objectAtIndex:0]];
it gives me an error property accounts not found on object of type 'myviewcontrollername'
NSURL *url =
[NSURL URLWithString:
// Create a POST request for the target endpoint
TWRequest *request =
[[TWRequest alloc] initWithURL:url
// self.accounts is an array of all available accounts;
// we use the first one for simplicity
[request setAccount:[self.accounts objectAtIndex:0]];
// The "larry.png" is an image that we have locally
UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"larry.png"];
// Obtain NSData from the UIImage
NSData *imageData = UIImagePNGRepresentation(image);
// Add the data of the image with the
// correct parameter name, "media[]"
[request addMultiPartData:imageData
// NB: Our status must be passed as part of the multipart form data
NSString *status = @"just setting up my twttr #iOS5";
// Add the data of the status as parameter "status"
[request addMultiPartData:[status dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]
// Perform the request.
// Note that -[performRequestWithHandler] may be called on any thread,
// so you should explicitly dispatch any UI operations to the main thread
//Problem code part upon reaching which app crashes
[request performRequestWithHandler:
^(NSData *responseData, NSHTTPURLResponse *urlResponse, NSError *error) {
NSDictionary *dict =
(NSDictionary *)[NSJSONSerialization
JSONObjectWithData:responseData options:0 error:nil];
// Log the result
NSLog(@"%@", dict);
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
// perform an action that updates the UI...
Yes that's possible using a lower level API, namely the class TWRequest
With this you can do all kinds of twitter requests without presenting a UI. You can also provide your own user interface for tweeting.
See my other answer here too see sample code on how to use it: https://stackoverflow.com/a/9751878/550177
You will also need to read the twitter API documentation.
In the POST request make sure that the image exists which you append to the request. In your sample code a file named 'larry.png' must be in the app bundle. Check imageData - it must not be nil!
in order to make Twitter's example code work you need to save all ACAccount
's in a property named accounts
(an NSArray of all accounts you got from requestAccessToAccountsWithType: