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Various errors in code that tries to call classmethods

I have this code:

class SomeClass:
    def func1(cls,arg1):
        #---Do Something---
    def func2(cls,arg1):
        #---Do Something---

    # A 'function map' that has function name as its keys and the above function
    # objects as values

    def func3(cls,arg1):
        # following is a dict(created by reading a config file) that
        # contains func names as keys and boolean as values that tells
        # the program whether or not to run that function
        global funcList
        for func in funcList:
            if funcList[func]==True:
                cls.func_map[func](arg1)        #TROUBLING PART!!!

    if _name__='main'

When I run this I keep getting the error:

Exception TypeError: "'classmethod' object is not callable"

I am unable to figure out what is wrong with this and would appreciate your help.


  • You can't create references to classmethods until the class has been defined. You'll have to move it out of the class definition. However using a global function map to decide what gets run is really awkward. If you described what you are trying to do with this, we could probably suggest a better solution.

    class SomeClass(object):
        def func1(cls, arg1):
            print("Called func1({})".format(arg1))
        def func2(cls, arg1):
            print("Call func2({})".format(arg1))
        def func3(cls, arg1):
            for fnName,do in funcList.iteritems():
                if do:
                    except KeyError:
                        print("Don't know function '{}'".format(fnName))
    # can't create function map until class has been created
    SomeClass.func_map = {
        'func1': SomeClass.func1,
        'func2': SomeClass.func2
    if __name__=='__main__':
        funcList = {'func1':True, 'func2':False}