I need a little nmake makefile for my build process. The file types are TXT and PDF. Therefore I added a inference rule to my makfile. But nmake ignores it completely. What's wrong?
Targets=A-$(Number).pdf B-$(Number).pdf
copy $*.txt $*.pdf
all: test build
#this rule creates sample source files
echo hungry > A-$(Number).txt
echo thursty > B-$(Number).txt
#this rule checks the generated macros
@echo Sources: $(Sources)
@echo Targets: $(Targets)
dir /b $(Sources)
build: $(Targets)
All I get with this nmake Makefile is:
NMAKE : fatal error U1073: don't know how to make 'A-123.pdf'
I think that for ".txt.pdf:" to be recognized as an implicit rule, both extensions have to be in the list of suffixes. Try adding
.SUFFIXES: .txt .pdf