If you have audio encoded at 44100Hz that means you have 44100 samples per second. Does this mean 44100 samples/sec for a channel, or for all channels?
For example if a song is stereo and encoded at 44100Hz, are there 44100 sample/sec for both channels (aka: 22050 samples per channel), or does every channel have 44100 samples (aka: every second has 88200 samples, 44100 for channel 1 and 44100 for channel 2).
Yes, the sample rate is independent of the number of channels, so e.g. CD quality audio is stereo 16 bits 44.1 kHz which means that there are two channels each sampled at 44.1 kHz, and the raw data rate is therefore 44100 * 2 * 16 = 1411200 bits/sec = 176400 bytes/sec.