I am attempting to create a report, utilizing a matrix, that only displays columns for associated row groups.
For example, I have a piece of software that allows users of a system to periodically "take samples" which are stored in a database. This data is stored in such a way that it so grouped by person name.
The format of the report would be like this.
Person Item TimeStamp1 TimeStamp2
John Item1 Value1-1 Value1-2
John Item1 Value2-1 Value2-2
John Item1 Value3-1 Value3-2
Person Item TimeStamp1 TimeStamp2
Steve Item1 Value1-1 Value1-2
Steve Item1 Value2-1 Value2-2
Steve Item1 Value3-1 Value3-2
What happens is that I get the line break but the columns for Steve show up in John and John in Steve, like this.
Person Item TimeStamp1 TimeStamp2 SteveTime1 SteveTime2
John Item1 Value1-1 Value1-2
John Item1 Value2-1 Value2-2
John Item1 Value3-1 Value3-2
Person Item JohnTime1 JohnTime1 TimeStamp1 TimeStamp2
Steve Item1 Value1-1 Value1-2
Steve Item1 Value2-1 Value2-2
Steve Item1 Value3-1 Value3-2
I thought adding a page break based on the user group would work out but extra columns remain.
Is there a way for only columns to display ONLY for an associated group on a page?
I'm assuming that in your question you mean the first "TimeStamp1
" is in fact the same as "JohnTime1
", right?
Don't think you can do this easily in a matrix, if at all. It would probably involve grouping on the ranking of timestamps, and displaying the timestamp for that rank within the row group.
There's a simpler solution though. My suggestion would be to do the following:
property for the matrix to Start
etc) as data