I'm using Gviz library from bioconductor. I input a tab delimited file containing CNV position that I need to plot on my chromosome ideogram.
My input file is defined by dat and has 4 columns
So I did that :
gen <- "mm9"
chr <- "chr1"
itrack <- IdeogramTrack(genome = gen, chromosome = chr)
gtrack <- GenomeAxisTrack()
dat <- read.delim("C:/R/1ips_chr1.txt", header = FALSE, sep ="\t")
s <- dat[2]
e <- dat[3]
l <- dat[4]
It shows an error message when I call the file dat :
atrack1 <- AnnotationTrack( start = s, width = l , chromosome = chr, genome = gen, name = "Sample1")
Error : function (classes, fdef, mtable) : unable to find an inherited method for function ".buildRange", for signature "NULL", "data.frame", "NULL", "data.frame"
Obviously the way I call a the inputed file (in dat) doesn't satisfy R .. Someone help me please :)
From the reference manual for the Gviz
package (with which I am not familiar), the arguments start
and width
in the AnnotationTrack
function need to be integer vectors. When you subset dat
using the single square bracket [
, the resulting object is a data.frame
(see ?`[.data.frame`
for more on this). Try instead
s <- dat[[2]]
e <- dat[[3]]
l <- dat[[4]]
to obtain integer vectors.