I've got a Prolog program where I'm doing some brute force search on all strings up to a certain length. I'm checking which strings match a certain pattern, keeping adding patterns until hopefully I find a set of patterns that covers all strings. I would like to store which ones to a file which don't match any of my patterns, so that when I add a new pattern, I only need to check the leftovers, instead of doing the entire brute force search again.
If I were writing this in python, I would just pickle the list of strings, and load it from the file. Does anybody know how to do something similar in Prolog?
I have a good amount of Prolog programming experience, but very little with Prolog IO. I could probably write a predicate to read a file and parse it into a term, but I figured there might be a way to do it more easily.
writeq and read make a similar job, but read the note on writeq about operators, if you declare any.