I need to launch an app I've made just after login, before anything else is loaded. I found how to do it by browsing, and my app just launch as i want, but when i need to input something using keyboard, nothing happens, what can I do?
It is a QT App
This is the main script who launchs the desired app (Ensayo):
#!/bin/bash xscreensaver -nosplash & /home/me/Ensayo-build-desktop-Qt_4_8_1_in_PATH_System_Release/Ensayo
It sounds like the window manager is not started. The instructables article you refer to specifically starts Firefox without a window manager.
Install the matchbox window manager, and modify your script as follows:
matchbox-window-manager &
while true; do
Note that Firefox is designed, apparently, to run without a window manager. If you try other applications, such as gnumeric, openoffice, konsole -- I bet they won't behave correctly either. Not without a window manager.
The trivial test for a window manager is: try showing a message box in your application. If the message box doesn't appear, or appears without any window frame/title bar, then it's surely due to lack of window manager.