I have a UISearchBar which I am putting in UISearchDisplayController. Now, whenever I tap on the 'Search' button on the keyboard, it dismisses the keyboard. I am implementing the below method to stop searching whenever 'Search' button is tapped in which case I do not want to loose my keyboard also. Is there any way to instruct UISearchDisplayController to not dismiss the keyboard on tap on 'Search' button?
- (void)searchBarSearchButtonClicked:(UISearchBar *)searchBar1 {
if ([searchBar.text length] < 3){
else {
// Do searching here or other stuffs
// This method return NO to not resign first responder
- (BOOL)searchBarShouldEndEditing:(UISearchBar *)searchBar;
So on your code it should be something like this to avoid the keyboard not to dismiss on search button tap only, but will dismiss on cancel, etc.
- (void)searchBarSearchButtonClicked:(UISearchBar *)searchBar1 {
isSearchTap = YES;
- (BOOL)searchBarShouldEndEditing:(UISearchBar *)searchBar {
if(isSearchTap) {
return NO;
return YES;