Does the Ruby Mustache API have a way to return the key names from a template?
Take, for example:
require 'mustache'
m =
m.template = "Hello {{first_name}} {{last_name}}"
I want to make an API call -- but I don't know what it is -- that returns the key names:
[:first_name, :last_name]
or something similar.
There isn't a way specifically to do that, but as a start you might consider the following:
>> pp'Hello {{first_name}} {{person.last_name}}').tokens
[:static, "Hello "],
[:mustache, :etag, [:mustache, :fetch, ["first_name"]]],
[:static, " "],
[:mustache, :etag, [:mustache, :fetch, ["person", "last_name"]]]]
It should be fairly easy to write a traversal that extracted the relevant keys.