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C library for graphs

Is there a good C library for graph theoretic manipulations? I particularly need to calculate the strongly connected components of a directed graph. I have implemented Tarjan's algorithm in Ruby as follows:

    def strongly_connected_components graph
        @index, @stack, @indice, @lowlink, @scc = 0, [], {}, {}, []
        @graph = graph
        vertices(@graph).each{|v| strong_connect(v) unless @indice[v]}
    def strong_connect v
        @indice[v] = @index
        @lowlink[v] = @index
        @index += 1
        @graph.each do |vv, w|
            next unless vv == v
            if !@indice[w]
                @lowlink[v] = [@lowlink[v], @lowlink[w]].min
            elsif @stack.include?(w)
                @lowlink[v] = [@lowlink[v], @indice[w]].min
        if @lowlink[v] == @indice[v]
            i = @stack.index(v)
            @stack = @stack[0...i]

and it was working with small graphs, but as the graph grew big, it started to return "stack level too deep" errors due to recursive call of the method strong_connect. I guess I need a C library and access that from Ruby, in which the main program is written.

In addition to the library, any suggestion for using that in a Ruby library would be a help.


  • I came across the igraph library. It is written in C and has wrappers for Ruby, Python and R. For you, this means that you can enjoy the speed of C with the comfort of Ruby.