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TFS "Copy" value from one field to another

I needed to change a work item field from PlainText -> String. As I could not change the type on the Work Item, creating a new field and updating it's value from the other field is my approach.

I have tried the "Bulk Edit Selected Work Items.." from TFS/Web but I'm not sure if you may reference another field value in that template.

How may I set [Work Item].[FieldNew].Value = [Work Item].[FieldOriginal].Value ??

Is this even possible without having to use the TFD API?

enter image description here

The reason why I need to change the item field type from PlainText to String is that I want to have a query with a column operator to test if the field has value or not.

For a plainText field the only allowed operator is Contains/Does Not Contain. May I override this to allow a ">" ? enter image description here


  • I'ts possible via Excel.

    1. Create a query with both old and new field columns visible.
    2. Export the query to Excel.
    3. Copy and paste the data from old field column to the new field.
    4. In Excel, from the Team menu click Publish to update the changes in TFS.