I found out that it is possible to open the windows explorer with a predefined path via the cmd.exe program using the following command:
explorer PATH
Back in R using the following command opens up the windows explorer:
system("explorer", intern=TRUE)
However, when I specify a path R returns the following warning message and does not open the explorer at the specified path:
> system("explorer C:\\Users\\xxx", intern=TRUE)
[1] 1
Warning message:
running command 'explorer C:\Users\xxx' had status 1
I quoted the \ otherwise R complained about not recognising \U from \Users.
However, when the command is executed as we would expect the double \ are replaced by only one .
When I copy paste the explorer C:\Users\xxx bit from the R warning message into the cmd.exe program the explorer is opened up at the specified path.
Does anybody have any idea why that fails?
shell("explorer C:\\Users\\xxx", intern=TRUE)