Situation is simple:
I post a plain HTML form with a textarea. Then, in PHP, I register a JavaScript function depending on the form's content.
This is done using the following code:
$js = sprintf("window.parent.doSomething('%s');", $this->textarea->getValue());
Works like a charm, until I try to process newlines. I need to replace the newlines with char 13 (I believe), but I can't get to a working solution. I tried the following:
$textarea = str_replace("\n", chr(13), $this->textarea->getValue());
And the following:
$js = sprintf("window.parent.doSomething('%s');", "'+String.fromCharCode(13)+'", $this->textarea->getValue());
Does anyone have a clue as to how I can process these newlines correctly?
You were almost there you just forgot to actually replace the line-breaks.
This should do the trick:
$js = sprintf("window.parent.doSomething('%s');"
, preg_replace(
, '" + String.fromCharCode(13) + "'
, $this->textarea->getValue()