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.bat file to open executable within Console2

I am aiming to create a .bat launcher that will execute a command line .exe program within Console2.
My best guess would be that it should go something like:

@echo off
start "" Console.exe program.exe

but all that does it open Console2.
Please note that all .bat, and executables are all in the same folder.


  • Ok I looked in source for the Console.exe and drilled down into the compiled help.

    You need a -r

    So: Console.exe -r program.exe

    Command line parameters
    Console supports these command line parameters: 
    -c <configuration file>
         Specifies a configuration file. 
    -w <main window title>
         Sets main window title. This option will override all other main window title settings (e.g. 'use tab titles' setting) 
    -t <tab name>
         Specifies a startup tab. Tab must be defined in Console settings.
    -d <directory>
         Specifies a startup directory. If you want to parametrize startup dirs, you need to specify startup directory parameter as "%1"\ (backslash is outside of the double quotes) 
    -r <command>
         Specifies a startup shell command. 
    -ts <sleep time in ms>
         Specifies sleep time between starting next tab if multiple -t's are specified.