I'm trying to test using SFML's full screen mode, however it crashes every time the window enters full screen mode. Here's my program:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
int main ( int argc, char** argv ) {
sf::Window win( sf::VideoMode ( argc >= 3 ? atoi ( ( const *char ) argv[1] ) : 1280, argc >= 3 ? atoi ( ( const *char ) argv[2] ) ), "", sf::Style::Fullscreen );
while ( win.IsOpened ( ) ) {
sf::Event in;
while ( win.GetEvent ( in ) ) {
if ( in.Type == sf::Event::KeyPressed ) {
switch ( in.Key.Code ) {
case sf::Key::Q:
win.Close ( );
win.Display ( );
I compile it with a makefile with this command:
g++ -o build/Test -lsfml-system -lsfml-window -lsfml-graphics src/main.cpp
It crashes when I run the program from a terminal as such:
build/Test 1440 900
I'm running ubuntu linux 12.04 on an Apple Macbook Air (4, 2). I tried using both gdm and lightdm, and they both had the same results. Additionally, it works fine with gnome 2, unity, and openbox, just not with gnome 3.
I don't mind having to mess around with config files, but I want to stay with gnome shell, because it is currently my favorite DE.
Switching to SFML 2.0 fixed the problem. Thank you to Konrad Rudolph for posting that in the comments.