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Adding the openGL Particle Emitter by Michael Daley inside GLKView

I try to use the great particle emitter which Michael Daley build for his Particle Designer to be working inside a GLKView. I see two ways to get there:

  1. hack the code from his great (but too old) tutorial to work with iOS5.1 inside a GLKView
  2. pay and use his Particle Designer to add the particle effect to a glkview

I tried 1. the whole day but ended alone and lost in the wide lands of openGL. I don't know how or what is important to initialize from the GL-stuff.

I ported the classes Image, Texture2D, Common and ParticleEmitter and instantiated them inside a GLKViewController, ending with an EXC_BAD_ACCESS in line 341 of ParticleEmitter.m:

    // Now that all of the VBOs have been used to configure the vertices, pointer size and color
    // use glDrawArrays to draw the points
    glDrawArrays(GL_POINTS, 0, particleIndex);

and I don't know why or what....

Now I think about buying the Particle Designer and try to implement it inside the GLKViewController and its GLKView.

Is there any body who could help me with 1./2. to solve my problem, adding an openGL particle emitter to a view based application?


edit: removed some stupid code


  • Looks like this one could help a lot... ;-)

    I also created a new question here.