I have this tag into my html file:
I need to parse and replace this tag with content from db, my aproach:
$template = ob_get_contents();
$line = preg_replace_callback('/{(\w+)}/' , "parseTag" , $template);
function parseTag($matches){
//here switch for block, news,
is it the right way? Thanks.
Try use
So in the $matches[1] you will see the block or news.
Your script shall look like that
$line = preg_replace_callback('/{{(.+):(.+)}}/' , "parseTag" , $template);
function parseTag($matches){
if($matches[1] == 'block'){
$return = 'Its Blocked';
}elseif($matches[1] == 'news'){
$return = 'Great news';
$return = 'Ops...';
return $return;