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iCloud storage entitlements and Jailbreak

I'm trying to use NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore inside my app and it works as expected with a non-jailbroken iPad. I can delete the app and when I reinstall it, the preferences are still stored in iCloud.

However, when I try to run the same app in a jailbroken iPhone (AppSync for iOS 5.0+ installed), I get the following error:

NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore error: com.companyname.yourapp has no valid entitlement

I tried the common fixes as recreating and reinstalling provisioning profiles or cleaning the build directory, but there's no way to fix the issue.

On the other hand, I know that development with Game Center + jailbroken device with AppSync leads to 'Game not recognized' errors.

Do you know if iCloud storage development and jailbreak can lead to this error I'm getting?

Thank you


  • I'm going to reply my own question, and if you have Jailbreak + AppSync for iOS 5.0+ installed, iCloud doesn't work as expected. You must delete AppSync.