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Error deleting resources while cleaning project & building J2me project

I'm running Eclipse pulsar with S60 SDK for j2me development and using LWUIT.jar but I'm getting following error while cleaning my project

Errors occurred during the build.
Errors running builder 'Preverification Builder' on project 'YokeApp'.
Problems encountered while deleting resources.
Could not delete 'H:\Bitbucket\6-6-12 Yoke ME\yoke-j2me\.mtj.tmp\verified\libs\LWUIT_MIDP.jar'.
Problems encountered while deleting files.
Could not delete: H:\Bitbucket\6-6-12 Yoke ME\yoke-j2me\.mtj.tmp\verified\libs\LWUIT_MIDP.jar.
Problems encountered while deleting resources.
Could not delete 'H:\Bitbucket\6-6-12 Yoke ME\yoke-j2me\.mtj.tmp\verified\libs\LWUIT_MIDP.jar'.
Problems encountered while deleting files.
Could not delete: H:\Bitbucket\6-6-12 Yoke ME\yoke-j2me\.mtj.tmp\verified\libs\LWUIT_MIDP.jar.

I added LWUIT.jar to folder /lib/ which I created in my project.
I don't understand why I'm getting this error?

As initially Eclipse gets loaded and then I went to folder mtj.tmp\verified\lib\LWUIT_MIDP.jar and delete it. It's deleted successfully, but when I clean my project it created again then I run my project after that I am trying to clean my project by aborting it's competed execution but what??.. the same problem is back as mentioned above. Why this is happening and to solve it?


  • Go to the specified path and delete the file manually. Refresh the project and try again, this must solve your problem.