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Stop body from moving. Chipmunk on iPhone

I have a cpBody with single cpShape that floats in my scene colliding with other bodies et c. How can I easily make this body stay in one place and act kind like a static obstacle staying in one place so it's not longer moving but still colliding with other bodies.

I just want to stop body from moving when user taps on it. That's why I'm asking. I'm not an expert in Chipmunk but I think it must be easy.


  • You can call cpBodySetMass to INFINITY, and force the object to sleep with cpBodySleep. This is how a static object is implemented internally (at least about the mass).


    I am not sure whether you need to call cpBodySleep after this or not, but I don't think it hurts to call.

    Modify cpBody.h and put #define CP_ALLOW_PRIVATE_ACCESS 1 at the beginning. Then from cpBody*, access ->node.idleTime and set it to INFINITY.

    EDIT 2

    The above solution is a working solution, but not very good in term of SE practice. It is better to define a function that makes the object static or dynamic so that you can call without disabling private property for the whole object.