How can I activate the Transit layer in a Google Map on a web page? The map is created using the search control.
<!-- ++Begin Map Search Control Wizard Generated Code++ -->
// Created with a Google AJAX Search Wizard
// The Following div element will end up holding the map search control.
// You can place this anywhere on your page
<div id="mapsearch">
<span style="color:#676767;font-size:11px;margin:1px;padding:0px;">Loading map ...</span>
<!-- Maps Api, Ajax Search Api and Stylesheet
// Note: If you are already using the Maps API then do not include it again
// If you are already using the AJAX Search API, then do not include it
// or its stylesheet again
// The Key Embedded in the following script tags is designed to work with
// the following site:
<script src=""
<script src=""
<style type="text/css">
@import url("");
<!-- Map Search Control and Stylesheet -->
<script type="text/javascript">
window._uds_msw_donotrepair = true;
<script src=""
<style type="text/css">
@import url("");
<style type="text/css">
.gsmsc-mapDiv {
height : 400px;
.gsmsc-idleMapDiv {
height : 400px;
#mapsearch {
width : 700px;
margin: 1px;
padding: 0px;
<script type="text/javascript">
function LoadMapSearchControl() {
var options = {
zoomControl : GSmapSearchControl.ZOOM_CONTROL_ENABLE_ALL,
title : "<?php echo $city. ','. $country; ?>",
url : "",
idleMapZoom : GSmapSearchControl.ACTIVE_MAP_ZOOM+1,
activeMapZoom : GSmapSearchControl.ACTIVE_MAP_ZOOM+1
new GSmapSearchControl(
"<?php echo $city. ','. $country; ?>",
// arrange for this function to be called during body.onload
// event processing
<!-- ++End Map Search Control Wizard Generated Code++ -->
The Transit layer is currently not available via the API. There is an Enhancement Request open for this issue.