I want to build a bot that basically does the following:
Should I just use the IRC library or Sockets in python or do I need more of a bot framework.
What would you do?
Here is the code I'm currently using, however, I haven't gotten it to work.
import socket
network = 'holmes.freenet.net'
port = 6667
irc = socket.socket ( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM )
irc.connect ( ( network, port ) )
irc.send ( 'NICK PyIRC\r\n' )
irc.send ( 'USER PyIRC PyIRC PyIRC :Python IRC\r\n' )
irc.send ( 'JOIN #pyirc\r\n' )
irc.send ( 'PRIVMSG #pyirc :Can you hear me?\r\n' )
irc.send ( 'PART #pyirc\r\n' )
irc.send ( 'QUIT\r\n' )
Use Twisted or Asynchat if you want to have a sane design. It is possible to just do it with sockets but why bother doing it from scratch?