Let say I've this URL:
I want to insert "download" to the part between "image-title" and "987654" so it would look like:
help would be greatly appreciated! thank you.
There are a number of ways to do this in PHP:
Assuming all the url's conform to the same structure (image-title/[image_id]) i recommend using str_replace like so:
$url = str_replace('image-title', 'image-title/download', $url);
If however image-title is dynamic (the actual title of the image) i recommend splitting and reconstructing like so:
$urlParts = explode('/', $url);
$urlParts = array_merge(array_slice($urlParts, 0, 3), (array)'download', array_slice($urlParts, 3));
$url = implode('/', $urlParts);