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Border-radius doesn't affect inner elements

I have a layout where the all of the page content is in a box with rounded corners. This includes the title of the page, etc. I have a div element that contains my header content, a div that contains the main content of the page, and a div that contains the footer. My problem is this: Since the border of my "header" div is not rounded, the large "container" div seems to not be rounded at the top. I have investigated, and shown that this is simply the "header" div superimposing itself over the "container" div. I have an example here:

I have tried rounding the border of the "header" div to the same extent, but this creates a small defect on the border (it gains a border of its own, of the "header" div's background color). Out of desperation, I also tried setting the z-index of the container to a large number. THat did not do anything.

I feel that there should be a simple solution to this problem. I do not want a javascript fix. I would prefer CSS, but LESS is ok too.


  • Here is the fiddle -

    Add -

    #outer {
       overflow: hidden;

    and it will work.

    More information on the overflow property can be found on MDN.