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mysql: altered function but stays old function

I changed a column name in a table, and i needed to change a function for it. So i changed the function. But it still runs the old function! it gives me :

"Error Code: 1054 Unknown column 'avDoctorID' in 'where clause'" 

and i'm sure i changed the function because if i see the function itself it is the new one! how can this be?

i did this in mysql workbench, and if i see the function in any other program it show the new function, but gives the same error when i try to run it.

This is the query to run it

select FNC_CreateAppointment(8,1,"2012-08-06","15:30:00","something");

And this it the function itself:


CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`%` FUNCTION `fnc_CreateAppointment`(clid int,calid int,appdate date,apptime time,commentaar varchar(3000)) RETURNS tinyint(1)
declare succeeded boolean;
declare id2 int;
declare id int;
declare dagweek int;
Declare afwezig int;
set afwezig = 0;
set dagweek = Dayofweek(appdate);
set id =0;
set id2 = 0;
set succeeded = false;
select availableID into id from tbl_available where AVdays = dagweek and AVHours = apptime and avCalendarID = calid

if id > 0

select appointmentID into id2 from tbl_appointment where  appointmentDate = appdate and appointmentTime = apptime and CalendarID = calid;

if id2 = 0

select AbsentID into afwezig from tbl_absent where abHoliday = appdate and abAbsent = apptime and abCalendarID = calid;
if afwezig = 0 then

insert into tbl_appointment(clientId,Calendarid,appointmentDate,appointmenttime,remark)

set succeeded = true;
end if;

end if;

end if;

return succeeded;


the error returned is:

call db_demo.FNC_CreateAppointment(8,1,"2012-08-06","15:30:00","something") Error Code: 1054 Unknown column 'avDoctorID' in 'where clause'

'avDoctorID' is the old column


  • You might need to drop the function first and then run the CREATE statement again.

    DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS `<function_name>`