I have a class Sample
Sample.class returns
(id :integer, name :String, date :date)
and A hash has all the given attributes as its keys. Then how can I initialize a variable of Sample without assigning each attribute independently.
Something like
Sample x = Sample.new
x.(attr) = Hash[attr]
How can I iterate through the attributes, the problem is Hash contains keys which are not part of the class attributes too
class Sample
attr_accessor :id, :name, :date
h = {:id => 1, :name => 'foo', :date => 'today', :extra1 => '', :extra2 => ''}
init_hash = h.select{|k,v| Sample.method_defined? "#{k}=" }
# This will work
s = Sample.new
init_hash.each{|k,v| s.send("#{k}=", v)}
# This may work if constructor takes a hash of attributes
s = Sample.new(init_hash)