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Structuring a database to handle unknown name/value pairs

Here's the idea: I expect to be receiving thousands of queries, each containing a certain amount of name value pairs; these start off as associative arrays, so I have fairly good control over what can happen to the data. These NVPs vary dependent on the source. For example, if the source is "A", I could receive the array (in JSON for ease of explanation): {'Key1':'test1','key2':'test2'} but if the source was "B", I could receive {'DifferentKey1':'test1','DifferentKey2':'test2'} I'm selecting which keys I want to store in my database, so in this case I could only want to select DifferentKey1 from source B's array, and discard the rest.

My main issue here is that these arrays could technically be completely unrelated content wise. They have a very general association (they're both arrays containing stats) but they're very different (in that the sources are different, ie. different games/sports).

I was thinking SQL: storing a table filled with games and their respective ids would be a good way of linking general NVP strings. For example:

Games table:
| id | name |
  1    golf
  2    soccer

NVP table
| id | game_id | nvp
   1      1      team1score=87;team2score=94;team3score=73;
   2      2      team1score=2;team2score=1;extratime=200;numyellowcards=4;

Hope that's clear enough. Do you see what I mean though? If there's an indeterminant amount of data that I may use, how can I structure a table? Thanks.

Edit: I guess I should note, obviously this set up WOULD work, however is it the best performance wise? Maybe not? I'm not sure, let's see what you guys can come up with!


  • SQL databases are great for highly relational data - but in a case like this where the data is not relational and there is no fixed schema, you might be better off using a NoSQL solution. There are a lot and I haven't used them enough to be sure what would work best for you. If your data can fit in RAM, then redis is great.