I'm building a live wallpaper, it has a bitmap with fullHD resolution which is scaled down to the size of the users phone screen. It works perfectly on Android 2.2 and 2.3 but crashes on 4.0.
I narrowed the problem down a little bit using try/catch and found out it starts from my run() method. With that MacGyver fix it runs about 20 seconds flooding the following error message and then crashes:
05-31 20:01:22.590: E/SurfaceTextureClient(1475): dequeueBuffer failed (No such device)
05-31 20:01:22.590: E/BaseSurfaceHolder(1475): Exception locking surface
05-31 20:01:22.590: E/BaseSurfaceHolder(1475): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
05-31 20:01:22.590: E/BaseSurfaceHolder(1475): at android.view.Surface.lockCanvasNative(Native Method)
05-31 20:01:22.590: E/BaseSurfaceHolder(1475): at android.view.Surface.lockCanvas(Surface.java:76)
05-31 20:01:22.590: E/BaseSurfaceHolder(1475): at com.android.internal.view.BaseSurfaceHolder.internalLockCanvas(BaseSurfaceHolder.java:184)
05-31 20:01:22.590: E/BaseSurfaceHolder(1475): at com.android.internal.view.BaseSurfaceHolder.lockCanvas(BaseSurfaceHolder.java:157)
05-31 20:01:22.590: E/BaseSurfaceHolder(1475): at com.pelkkala.test.TestWall$TestMachine.run(TestWall.java:255)
05-31 20:01:22.590: E/BaseSurfaceHolder(1475): at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:856)
05-31 20:01:22.601: E/ERROR(1475): ERROR IN CODE: java.lang.NullPointerException
05-31 20:01:22.621: W/System.err(1475): java.lang.NullPointerException
05-31 20:01:22.621: W/System.err(1475): at com.pelkkala.test.TestWall$TestMachine.draw(TestWall.java:233)
05-31 20:01:22.636: W/System.err(1475): at com.pelkkala.test.TestWall$TestMachine.run(TestWall.java:264)
05-31 20:01:22.636: W/System.err(1475): at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:856)
Here is my run() method:
public void run() {
while (running) {
//perform canvas drawing
if (!holder.getSurface().isValid()) {
mTimer = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (mTimer - oldTime > 50) {
oldTime = mTimer;
try {
Canvas c = holder.lockCanvas();
if (!touching) {
oscillate(xOrig, yOrig);
if (!touching2) {
oscillate2(xOrig2, yOrig2);
catch (Exception e) {
Log.e("ERROR", "ERROR IN CODE: " + e.toString());
EDIT 2 :
Could it have something to do with the emulator? I'm not able to access Android 4 device right now so that's what I have.
I'm still not sure why this happens with Android 4 but this is how I solved it.
This was causing me trouble:
class TestEngine extends Engine implements Runnable {}
So I changed it to something like this:
class TestEngine extend Engine {
private final Runnable testRunnable = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
public void drawFrame() {
//Draw on canvas and unlock
mHandler.postDelayed(testRunnable, 1000 / 50);